It’s time to get out of your chair! The amount of time you sit during the day, regardless of how much you “move” during the day, is associated with a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and death. This new research was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in January 2015.

What do you need to do? The target is to decrease sedentary time by two to three hours in a 12-hour work/commuting day. Some ways to achieve this goal include walking at lunch and on breaks; if you work in an office, getting a standing desk; taking frequent standing and stretching breaks; and, finding ways other than a personal vehicle to commute to work when it’s possible – for example, public transportation, walking, or biking.

To get started, monitor how much time you currently sit during the day. Once you become more aware you are more likely to change your behavior! As a simple first step, consider setting the timer on your phone or computer that reminds you to get up and move at least one time per hour.