Appreciation for what we have been given almost seems like a dying art.  We are all so busy striving for more that we often lose sight of the many blessings we have right now.


Most all of us have a home, a family, and friends who love us.  We live in a great country where a precious few men and women go to the ends of the earth to fight for our freedom.  All of these are tremendous blessings for which we are thankful.  The mistake we make is thinking that just because our house isn’t as nice as we’d like, or our family is full of drama, or our friends aren’t always as attentive as we’d like, that we have nothing to be thankful for.  And then there is the political upheaval we’ve all experienced in the past few days.  I hope you won’t allow that experience to taint your view of the wonderful blessing we have to live in a country where freedom reigns, where we have the right to vote and choose our next leader and where, regardless of who you voted for, we respect the process enough to have a peaceful transfer of power.


Thankfulness is an attitude.  It is choosing to see the glass half full.  I have a patient right now who has lymphoma.  He is in the middle of his chemo treatment and is fighting through the experience with amazing courage.  His next round of chemo starts on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day.  When I said to him that it must be hard to go into the hospital while other families are gathered around to carve the turkey and eat pumpkin pie, his response was priceless.  He said, “I am so thankful that my family will be with me to watch an uninterrupted day of football!  It is not what I would have chosen, but we will be together.”


This Thanksgiving Day, I would ask that you give thought to how you will be thankful for the celebration you will be enjoying.  It might not be exactly the “Norman Rockwall” expectation you have in your head, but with the right attitude you can make it amazing!
For a fast and festive Thanksgiving side, try one of my personal holiday favs: Honey Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts.  Happy Thanksgiving!