How many of your friends seem to have it all together? They have a great job, workout EVERY DAY and seem to have a stress-free life. Do you ever wonder how they find time to exercise during their day? A better way to think of the daunting task of “fitting in” exercise, is asking yourself, how do you need to restructure your life to make fitness a priority? This month, take some time to ensure your heart health is a priority. Change does not happen without planning and dedication. Think about your routine and take some time to reorganize if needed.

One of the best ways to love your heart is to move more. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines recommend adults participate in a minimum of 150 minutes (i.e. 30 minutes 5 days a week) of moderate-intensity physical activity, as well as muscle-strengthening exercises 2 days each week. Below are a few ways to begin making exercise a priority during your busy life:

  1. Think Small – start with something simple, like a 15 minute walk before or after work, or during your lunch break.
  2. Reorganize Some Priorities – It may seem counter-intuitive, but taking time for your health is not selfish! Rather, it allows you to be available and healthy for friends and family when they need you most.
  3. Move More at Work – Initiate walking meetings; perform wall sits during phone calls; lunge down the hallways; take the stairs; commute to work on your bike.
  4. Pencil it In – Schedule your workout and treat it like an important meeting.
  5. Fuel Up – Choose foods that would provide energy in order to get the most out of your workout; i.e. Greek yogurt, banana & peanut butter, oatmeal & almonds
  6. Discover Accountability – Find a group with similar goals and interests; ask a friend or family member to keep you accountable.
  7. Make Sleep a Priority – Turn off the television and computer an hour before bed, or even forgo it for a few days to get your body and mind ready for a good night’s sleep.  Good rest will allow you to receive the most benefit from exercise.

The quality and health of your heart is in your hands.  Choose February 2016 to be a memorable month and make decisions that put your heart health first.  I leave you with one of my favorite quotes…”Exercise to be fit, not skinny.  Eat to nourish your body and always ignore the haters, doubters & unhealthy examples that were once feeding you. You are worth more than you realize.

This week’s recipe is Creole Seafood Stew: perfect for Lent, packed with powerful protein, and bursting with flavor!