Everything we undertake in life has both a beginning and an end.  Typically, we eagerly embrace the start of a new opportunity, relationship, or venture.  It is equally exciting to celebrate our achievements when we finish a project or meet a goal. However . . . somewhere between the beginning and the end, every situation has a middle.  It is here we often face our greatest roadblocks and challenges. Enduring to the end of our trials requires boldness, determination, and consistency. Failure to ‘stay the course’ and endure to the end will stop our progress toward achieving our goal.

When I was a little girl, my father told terrifying bedtime stories about a miserable witch named Broomhilda. She was a Boogie Man-like character who, instead of carrying naughty children off into the night, robbed ungrateful and slothful children of their youth and beauty. I remember being highly disturbed by the stories of the evil witch and, despite my mother’s assurances that she wasn’t “real,” Broomhilda was a prominent figure in my dreams for several years. Looking back, I realize my father’s stories of Broomhilda were teaching me a valuable adult lesson. As I grew up I learned of Broomhilda’s true identity: a very real, very dangerous adult adversary called Complacency.

Complacency can affect even the most seasoned adults and motivated individuals. In fact, I believe the longer and harder we strive to meet our goals, the more likely we are to feel entitled to a break. Perhaps you are in the middle of your quest for health and wellness. You recently lost 20 pounds and are over half way to your weight loss goal; you’re starting to think, I’ve done pretty well. It probably wouldn’t hurt if I skipped exercising today. This thought process of giving yourself permission to break routine can be toxic to the good habits you’ve established. I want to urge you to stay disciplined and not slow down once you’ve begun your journey.

As we strive for health and wellness, there is great danger in the word “someday.” Being stuck in the middle can feel defeating and lonely. Naturally, many people distance themselves from their challenges and sit on the sidelines, thinking: “Someday I will start eating healthy. Someday I will start exercising again. Someday I will be happy.” The thought, Someday I will really means, Today I won’t; and this is often the culprit of missed opportunities. Be watchful that you do not fall prey to the deceptive thought, “Someday I will…” Whatever you find yourself in the middle of, be invested and determine to finish strong.

A wise man once said, it is far better to act than to be acted upon. When we are stuck in the middle of life’s challenges, enduring to the end can seem impossible. However, as Complacency urges us to press pause on our progress, and seek immediate relief from the suffering, we must remember she is the enemy of change and progress. Every complacent choice adds a heavy link to the chain of guilt that burdens our conscience and diminishes our self-worth. Regardless of what you are facing, I encourage you to press on, and not allow Broomhilda to rob you of your motivation and desire for a better, healthier life.

This week’s featured recipe is a delicious Pork, Red Pepper & Snow Pea Stir Fry with Roasted Cashews. This will get you in and out of the hot kitchen in no time! Enjoy!