I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Greece several years ago. While I was impressed with the sparkling turquoise waters and fabulous ruins what I really enjoyed was the food! Isn’t it great to know that the Mediterranean eating style based on the cuisines of Greece, Crete, southern France and Italy, Spain and parts of the Middle East, is not only delicious but is also very healthy? Ready to try eating like a Greek? Here are a few tips for getting started:

Use olive oil as your cooking fat. Olive oil is primarily a monounsaturated fat and may be the key to many of the health benefits of a Mediterranean eating style. Other monounsaturated fat choices include avocados and nuts.

Go for grains. Rather than eating refined carbohydrates (like white bread and white rice) try whole, unrefined grains. Suggestions include barley, bulgur, polenta (cornmeal), brown rice, and couscous (a rice-like pasta from North Africa).

Enjoy plentiful produce. Create a colorful plate through using a variety of fruits and vegetables. Add extra vegetables (tomatoes, squash, sautéed spinach) to pasta, soups and salads. Use fresh, locally grown produce when possible and frozen and canned fruits and vegetables during off-season.

Benefit from beans. Beans aren’t part of your dining vocabulary? Experiment with kidney, fava, lima, chickpeas or lentils. They add protein and texture as well as an array of vitamins, minerals, protective phytochemicals and fiber. You can toss beans into pasta dishes, lentils with sautéed vegetables, and add chickpeas to tomato sauce. Use canned beans to save time. Just rinse them off before using to remove most of the extra sodium.

Now – sit back and savor. Eating is a true pleasure. Take the time to enjoy your meal free of distraction, TV noise or traffic. You will be more likely to feel satisfied and full if you will enjoy your eating moment.