Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. Did you know that variety is as important as quantity? No single fruit or vegetable provides all of the nutrients you need to be healthy. The key is to have a colorful mix of different vegetables and fruits.

Try these tips to fit more fruits and vegetables into your day:

  • Keep fruit on the kitchen counter or table where it is accessible. Also, after picking up produce at the grocery store, take some time when you get home and prepare both fruits and vegetables in “ready-to-eat” portions. Where applicable, wash fruit; cut up larger fruit like pineapple and watermelon and get it into “snack-ready” containers; peel, wash, and chop vegetables so they are ready for snacking or cooking.
  • Be adventurous! Look for fruits and vegetables you have never tried before. Your grocer, the Internet, and co-workers can be great resources on how to prepare a variety of fruits and vegetables.
  • Make it a meal. Try new recipes where vegetables take the center stage!