Lifestyle factors, like your diet, can make a significant difference in preventing cancer. Some foods may actually increase your risk of cancer, while others support your health and strengthen your immune system. By making smart food choices, you can feel good, and boost your ability to ward off cancer and other diseases. Here are a few tips that will help you get the most benefits from eating great cancer-fighting foods, such as fruit and vegetables:

  • Eat at least some raw fruits and vegetables. These have the highest amounts of vitamins and minerals, although cooking some vegetables can make the vitamins more available for our body to use.
  • When cooking vegetables, steam until just tender using a small amount of water. This preserves more of the vitamins. Overcooking vegetables removes many of the vitamins and minerals. If you do boil vegetables, use the cooking water in a soup or another dish to ensure you’re getting all the vitamins.
  • Wash all fruits and vegetables. Use a vegetable brush for washing. Washing may not eliminate all pesticide residue, but will reduce it.
  • Flavor food with immune-boosting herbs and spices. Garlic, ginger, and turmeric not only add flavor, but they add a power punch of valuable nutrients. Other good choices include basil, rosemary, and coriander. Use them in soups, salads, casseroles, or any other dish.