An important step in creating balanced living is to create and enjoy stillness.  What is the point of being still?  Simply, it is to fashion a time and space to be with yourself, your thoughts, feelings and dreams.  It is a time to heal, process and rest.

Dr. Herbert Benson in his seminal book, The Relaxation Response, noted that when a person meditates they bring forth a relaxation response that counterbalances the negative physiological changes brought on by perceived stress.  His technique involves a simple breathing meditation and has been shown to be effective in helping people improve a variety of health issues by relieving the symptoms of stress. While there are a variety of meditation methods, most involve:

  • Finding a quiet, comfortable space away from distractions
  • Sitting in a comfortable, relaxed position
  • Shifting the focus of your mind from the business of daily tasks to the repetition of a single word,  phrase or sound
  • Adopting an attitude of passive observation

You cannot do meditation ‘wrong’.  The idea is to allow distracting thoughts to float by without concern or attachment.  There are probably as many ways to meditate as there are people.   Find a method that is effective for you.  While meditation is simple it is not easy.  By cultivating a point of stillness in our lives we re-connect with our inner wisdom and thereby improve our health and overall well-being.