Genetically modified organisms – GMOs – are a hot topic of discussion today.  Americans are hungry for information about their food, and a growing number of people are asking questions and sharing their feelings about GMOs- ranging from excitement and optimism to skepticism and even fear.  According to recent polls, nearly 80% of consumers are determined to avoid genetically modified ingredients or genetically engineered foods.  However, other polls show that the majority of consumers do not quite know what GMOs are.  Before you pick a side (pro-GMO or anti-GMO), we did some digging to help you make an informed decision.

Myth #1:  GMOs are “Frankenfoods.”  A lot of us get nervous by the term, “Genetically Modified Organisms” because it makes it sound like our food has been grown in a test tube.  Or perhaps, we picture our carrots being individually injected with “zombie serum.” However, neither of these scenarios are accurate.

So, what is genetic engineering?  To put it simply, it is a breeding technique which enables plant breeders to take individual traits from one plant and transfer them to another plant to improve it.  Surprisingly, farmers have been doing this for the last 10,000 years, selectively breeding plants to yield more desirable results- making crops less appealing to pests and insects, and more resistant to disease.  Through genetic engineering, farmers were able to domesticate wild cabbage to create our modern-day, more edible greens such as broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, Romanesco cabbage, and Bok Choy.  If we wanted to be technical, these genetically engineered foods could be described as “genetically modified.”

Myth #2: GMOs are Unsafe for Human Consumption.  Perhaps due to their “scary” name, or because of the passionate debate on GMOs spreading through the media like wildfire, many consumers don’t trust that genetically modified crops are safe.  Actually, GMOs are the most heavily regulated and scientifically tested products in agricultural history.  Agricultural scientists and nutrition professionals stand by the research that foods derived from genetically modified crops pose no greater health risk than that of conventional crops.  It make take some time for consumers to understand that GMOs are completely safe to eat.

Myth #3: GMOs are Unnecessary.  World peace and world hunger are the 2 biggest concerns for global leaders.  There are over 795 million people across the globe that are malnourished due to food insecurity, and 1 in 6 Americans face hunger.  Surely, the first step to conquering this huge problem is ensuring that nutritious foods are available to all.  However, the global food supply must increase by 60% in order to feed the world by 2050.  (To put this in perspective, that’s more food than Earth has produced in the last 8,000 years combined).

The development of GMOs has allowed farmers to harvest larger crops in less time and with fewer resources.  So how can the food industry keep up with the demands of the world?  The obvious answer points toward relying heavily on GMOs.  Through genetically modified crops, the food industry can dramatically increase crop yields, reduce pesticide use and reduce farming’s negative impact on the environment.  The truth is, America’s fussing over GMOs is a first world problem.

Oh my goodness… it’s GMOs!! For more information, visit