If you are a man struggling with low testosterone, we have 5 natural ways to boost your levels.

  1. Sleep – aim for 7-8 hours a night
  2. Weight – improving low T levels is just another reason to lose those extra pounds
  3. Exercise – 30-60 minutes a day of moderate intensity exercise will do the trick
  4. Stress – a consistent elevated level of stress can lower testosterone produced by the body, use stress outlets to manage your daily stress
  5. Sugar – whether you are diabetic or not, eat every 3 hours to manage blood sugars

Testosterone helps maintain muscle mass, bone density, energy levels and a healthy sex drive. There is no need to take supplements if you can naturally boost your levels. The 5 actions listed above will make a huge difference!

Click here to read a study about the relationship of sleep and testosterone levels. This month is all about Men’s Health, so if you missed our last newsletter, don’t forget to sign up today.