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Ready to Exercise? Just Breathe!


So you’re interested in starting an exercise program but don’t know where to begin? The first step is an assessment of how you feel now. In order to do this, you have to “listen to

Ready to Exercise? Just Breathe!2016-11-04T06:25:50-06:00

SA Live Broadcast


Jan and Krista will be on SA Live discussing several easy arm exercises to help you get ready for summer! This is a three week series you won’t want to miss!

SA Live Broadcast2015-04-06T16:34:42-06:00

Spring Out of Your Chair!


It’s time to get out of your chair! The amount of time you sit during the day, regardless of how much you “move” during the day, is associated with a higher risk of heart disease,

Spring Out of Your Chair!2016-11-04T06:25:53-06:00

Spring Cleaning Your Fitness Goals!


If you’re like most Americans, you started January with a fitness “bang”. Maybe you joined a health club or bought a piece of fitness equipment. But now, the motivation is dwindling and the equipment is

Spring Cleaning Your Fitness Goals!2015-12-22T16:18:37-06:00

Reducing Stress at Your Desk


Do you spend hours every day at a desk? How do you feel by the end of the day? In a recent survey by the American Institute of Stress, respondents ranked job pressure as the

Reducing Stress at Your Desk2015-12-23T09:39:45-06:00

Crazy for a cookie?


You say you’ve got a sweet tooth? You find it impossible to eat just one cookie? You wonder why you don’t crave kale, squash or walnuts instead of cookies, ice cream or doughnuts? If you

Crazy for a cookie?2015-12-23T09:46:50-06:00

Take a break! It’s good for your heart.


How’s your day going? Calm, productive and positive? Or is it more chaotic, demanding and stressful? Emotional stress creates a negative chain reaction within your body. If you're angry, anxious, tense, or frustrated your body's

Take a break! It’s good for your heart.2015-12-23T09:54:57-06:00

Women’s Month Overview


October was all about the women! We focused on health no matter what stage of life you may be going though, from pregnancy to menopause. Additionally noting a few challenges found along the way of

Women’s Month Overview2016-11-04T06:25:56-06:00

Strong from the inside out…


Last week, we discussed the role strength training can have in preventing osteoporosis, improving balance, building lean muscle mass and reducing fatigue. If strength training in a gym is not your forte, check out this

Strong from the inside out…2016-01-08T14:23:47-06:00

Men’s Health Month Recap


During September, we focused on the health of important men in our lives. We discussed the woman’s role in men’s health, low testosterone, healthy lunch options when eating out, and exercise. We first addressed the

Men’s Health Month Recap2015-12-28T11:40:27-06:00

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