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Don’t Worry, Be H-App-y…


Are you H-App-y with your Exercise? Do you find yourself saying, ”If only I had a personal trainer, I would stay committed to exercise.” Or, you might be saying, “I need someone to create a personalized

Don’t Worry, Be H-App-y…2016-11-04T06:25:41-06:00

Exercise and nutritional advice for active mums-to-be


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and

Exercise and nutritional advice for active mums-to-be2016-11-04T06:25:54-06:00

Reducing Stress at Your Desk


Do you spend hours every day at a desk? How do you feel by the end of the day? In a recent survey by the American Institute of Stress, respondents ranked job pressure as the

Reducing Stress at Your Desk2015-12-23T09:39:45-06:00

Take a break! It’s good for your heart.


How’s your day going? Calm, productive and positive? Or is it more chaotic, demanding and stressful? Emotional stress creates a negative chain reaction within your body. If you're angry, anxious, tense, or frustrated your body's

Take a break! It’s good for your heart.2015-12-23T09:54:57-06:00

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