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Get Your vitamin D!


We typically associate summer sun with summer FUN, but did you know the sun offers powerful health benefits as well? The sun can be an excellent source of Vitamin D. By simply getting 10 minutes

Get Your vitamin D!2016-06-30T12:57:03-06:00

Reducing Your Risk of Cancer through Diet


There is growing evidence that prolonged, chronic inflammation raises the risk of many diseases, including certain types of cancer. The good news is you can take steps through lifestyle to keep inflammation under control. Here

Reducing Your Risk of Cancer through Diet2016-11-04T06:25:53-06:00

Power Punch Your Food Choices


Lifestyle factors, like your diet, can make a significant difference in preventing cancer. Some foods may actually increase your risk of cancer, while others support your health and strengthen your immune system. By making smart

Power Punch Your Food Choices2016-11-04T06:25:53-06:00

National Cancer Control Month


Most of us have had some experience with cancer.   Whether it has affected our friends, family or we've had a personal experience with this dreadful disease, it has touched us, left an indelible mark on

National Cancer Control Month2016-11-04T06:25:53-06:00

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